1 billion rows challenge in PostgreSQL and ClickHouse
Last week the good old Gunnar Morling launched an interesting challenge about ordering 1 billion rows in Java. Like my ex colleague and friend Robin Moffat, I’m not at all a Java expert, and while Robin used DuckDB to solve the challenge, I did the same with PostgreSQL and ClickHouse.
Kafka Connect sink to OpenSearch/ElasticSearch: how to sink unix timestamps
When sinking unix timestamps from Apache Kafka to OpenSearch/ElasticSearch using the dedicated connector, they are not recognized by default as timestamp in the target tech.
Consume Apache Kafka® messages via REST APIs
Pros and Cons of Multi Step Data Platforms
So… what does a Staff Developer Advocate do?
So… what does a Staff Developer Advocate do, and how is it different from the Senior Developer Advocate role you were doing before?
I got this question three times in the last two weeks after my promotion from Senior to Staff (🎉🎉🎉🎉), from various people in my network.
What are the directions of technical data platforms scalability?
Technical scalability is one of the main drivers of a data platform, as mentioned in the SOFT methodology. But what are the options? In this blog we’ll evaluate the direction of scalability and the tradeoffs you might encounter in the decision process.
From data stack to data stuck: the risks of not asking the right data questions
Companies are in a continuous motion: new requirements, new data streams, new technologies are popping up every day. When designing new data platforms supporting the needs of your company, failing to perform a complete assessment of the options available can have disastrous effects on a company’s capability to innovate, and making sure their data assets usable and reusable in the long term.
PostgreSQL Community and you
I started following the #PGSQLPhriday initiative a couple months back but never had the time to properly sit down and write due to conference traveling. Therefore I was super happy to be at home this week and find out that PGSQL Phriday #003 theme is about the PostgreSQL community!
Tips for Successful Conference Abstracts
If you’re reading this, there are good chances you’re thinking, writing or iterating over an abstract for a conference. The post is about little tips I learnt in more than 8 years of prepping for conferences and in 1 year or reviewing internal abstracts at Aiven before they are submitted for a conference.
How to query remote InfluxDB via cURL
Sometimes you want to query a remote InfluxDB server to understand the data in it. This can be done via cURL as explained in the InfluxDB docs